10 Things Mosquitoes Hate Most

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” While this might be great advice for people, most would agree that it wasn’t meant to include mosquitoes! These pests can become a problem in late summer, especially when there’s warmer temperatures or water nearby.
Although mosquito prevention is tricky, it’s very doable. The key is to discover what mosquitoes dislike so that you can keep these pesky insects out of your home, out of your yard and out of your life. Depending on the level of your infestation, you may need to layer multiple approaches to fight back against the bugs.
Known Mosquito Repellents
The most effective mosquito repellents are based on an understanding of how these insects operate. Mosquitoes are wired to find their next meal through visual cues, scents, heat and even the carbon dioxide in your exhales. By confusing their senses, you can enjoy a nice evening outside without being eaten alive.
Here are 10 things mosquitoes hate to keep them out of your backyard and off your skin.
1. Mosquito Repellent
Evidence shows that mosquito repellents can help keep mosquitoes away from you for a certain amount of time. DEET, picaridin, IR3535 and lemon eucalyptus oil are all used in various bug sprays, though picaridin has proved to be even more effective — and less oily — than DEET. Some natural, DEET-Free insect repellents have also been found to be effective in protecting against insect bites such as mosquitoes.
2. Certain Herbs
Mosquitoes are turned off by several natural scents, including citronella, peppermint, cedar, catnip, patchouli, lemongrass, lavender and more. You can add some of these plants to your landscaping to fend them off. Or, try these scents in essential oil form or buy torches and candles that have been designed to scare off these pests. Your evening will be cozier and insect-free!
3. Artificial or Natural Wind
Surprisingly, mosquitoes aren’t very good at flying. That’s good for us humans because it means we’ve just got to create a bit of wind to keep mosquitoes from coming near. While you can’t control the elements, you can bring a fan outside and turn it on high. The mosquitoes won’t be able to get close enough to bother you.
4. Scent of Garlic
Bring on the garlic! Lucky for us, mosquitoes hate the delicious vegetable. Try cooking with garlic and eating your meal or snack before you go outside. If you happen to be one of the few who doesn’t like garlic, you can sprinkle minced garlic a few feet from your porch for a similar repelling effect.
5. Loose Clothing
Mosquitoes don’t really care if your clothing is in style or not, but they do care a whole lot about getting to your skin. Loose clothing makes it harder for the nasty bugs to get a good grip for a tasty bite of you. Unfortunately, though, mosquitoes can usually go right through thick clothing like denim or corduroy.
6. Sober Individuals
Add this to the list of merits for being the designated driver — mosquitoes might skip over you to feast upon your inebriated buddies instead. Possibly because of the smell, mosquitoes seem drawn to people who are drinking beer. Drinking can also make people warmer, causing them to sweat — and mosquitoes like sweaty skin.
7. Light Clothes
Mosquitoes like things they can see easily, and dark clothing makes you far more visible to a hungry mosquito. Light clothing allows you to blend into the background, making you harder to spot. If you wear light clothing, you’re less likely to be a target for mosquitoes.
8. Smoke
Chances are you didn’t bring enough marshmallows to share, and that’s a good thing because mosquitoes probably won’t show up to your campfire anyway since they don’t like smoke. Not having a campfire? Light the corner of an egg carton on fire, and set it somewhere safe — like on top of your barbecue. It will continue to smoke for a long time, keeping mosquitoes out of sight.
9. Dry Areas
Mosquitoes are attracted to moist places. In fact, they need standing water to breed. Some common places you might find standing water are gutters, buckets and swimming pools. Stay away from marshes — especially at dawn or dusk when mosquitoes are most active — keep standing water out of your yard, and put on plenty of bug spray if you’re going to be somewhere near the water.
10. Scent-Free Lotion
Because mosquitoes are attracted to sweet smells, it’s a good idea to wear scent-free lotion and other products when you’re going to be outside. It’s easier for mosquitoes to find you if they can follow these scents. Keep mosquitoes away and protect yourself from bites by foregoing your sweet perfumes when you’re going to be outside.
Get Mosquito Prevention Services From Barefoot Mosquito & Pest Control
Tried everything and the mosquitoes still won’t leave you alone? Although these tips are useful, they’re not always enough to beat back a large mosquito population. Some years, the numbers are just too high, or maybe you’re one of those people mosquitoes just seem to love.
If you spend your evenings looking through windows instead of outside on your porch, contact the pros at Barefoot Mosquito. Discover just how cost-effective our mosquito control service is when you request a free quote today. We can help you enjoy your backyard again!