How to Protect Your Dog From Mosquitoes

How to Protect Your Dog From Mosquitoes

Even though dogs are covered in fur, they can still be bitten by mosquitoes, especially in uncovered places like the nose, ears, and stomach. Mosquito bites can be painful and annoying for dogs just like humans, and some mosquitoes can even transfer dangerous heartworm disease to your dogs. The bites can also become infected if your dog scratches the skin around the bite.

At a minimum, a dog getting bitten by mosquitoes will leave your loyal companion itching and uncomfortable. Learn how to best protect your dog from mosquitoes and how to treat mosquito bites if your dog does get bitten.

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Dog

You are your pet’s first line of defense when it comes to protection from mosquitoes. Make sure you learn some important things about mosquitoes and how to avoid them so your pet can avoid bothersome bites.

  1. Know mosquito’s active hours – Mosquitoes are active during dusk and dawn, when the sun isn’t out and the wind has died down. Keep your dog inside during these hours.
  2. Know where mosquitoes hang out – Mosquitoes love warm, still, wet areas, like marshes, ponds, and large puddles. When you take your dog for a walk, avoid these areas.
  3. Protect against heartworm – Talk to your vet about putting your pet on a heartworm medication to prevent the disease.
  4. Know how to keep mosquitoes out of your yard – Keep mosquitoes away from your home by eliminating standing water, regularly changing your dog’s water bowl, clearing debris from your yard, and repairing holes in screens.

How to Treat Mosquito Bites

You can tell your dog has been bitten by a mosquito if you notice a red, swollen area that is bothering your dog. A vet can give you an antibacterial cream to fight against infections, but there are also many ways you can treat your dog’s mosquito bites on your own.

  1. Aloe vera — Aloe vera will provide a cooling relief to your dog’s mosquito bite, and it can also prevent your dog from being bitten. Apply an aloe vera that’s safe for pets to your dog’s bite.
  2. Ice — If your dog allows it, apply ice to the area for a cooling relief and a minimizing of swelling.
  3. Baking soda — Make a paste with baking soda and water, and apply to your dog’s bite every few hours to give your pet relief.
  4. Oatmeal — Make a paste with oatmeal and water, and apply every few hours to help your dog stop scratching.

When the Bite Is Serious

Heartworm is a serious parasitic condition. When a mosquito bites an infected dog, the offspring of the parasitic worm can be transferred through its blood. When the same mosquito bites another dog, it can transfer that parasite to the new dog. The parasite can grow up to a foot long and can cause serious problems in the lungs, arteries, and heart.

Of course, all of this happens without any of us even realizing it. That’s why it’s crucial you know these signs of heartworms:

  • Lethargy
  • Coughing
  • Vomiting
  • Fainting
  • Won’t tolerate exercise
  • Difficulty breathing

Talk to your vet if you notice these symptoms.

The Best Mosquito Prevention

Your dog’s health is too important to leave to chance. For the best protection from mosquitoes, talk to a trusted local mosquito control company about a plan to keep mosquitoes away from your home and yard. Give Barefoot Mosquito a call for the best mosquito prevention service!

Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes!

Want to enjoy your backyard again? We can help. Come discover just
how effective & affordable our mosquito control service is. Call us today at 512-400-2008 (Austin) or 713-554-9430 (Houston) or request a quote online!



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